In Education

Teachers and Students

Every school has disabled pupils, staff and family members.

Disability History Month is an opportunity within your school, to develop a culture of respect for difference and a chance to remove the barriers, so that all can achieve their potential!

So calling all students and teachers…keep reading this page to get ideas to organize events, put up displays, hold assemblies and introduce disability equality as a focus across the curriculum, in your school or college.

The DfE reports that up to 80% of disabled learners experience bullying and are 8 times more likely than non-disabled learners to be excluded or suspended. However the law requires reasonable adjustments to be implemented with no discrimination or harassment.

In education, disabled children and young people need staff, pupils and parents to understand and change their behaviour to accommodate the full range of disabled learners including those with mental health issues, behavioural difficulties, speech and communication difficulties, specific and general learning difficulties and those with physical or sensory impairments.