Scope use the story of Winnie the Witch to explain the Social Model
Social Model of Disability
Accessible animation explaining the differences between the medical and social models of disability.
Produced by NDACA / Shape Arts
Produced by NDACA / Shape Arts
UKDHM 2020 Posters
Download basic poster Download poster with writing space
What If Everyone Was Disabled? Seriously…
Radio programme: Mat Fraser assesses how far we’ve come with accessibility and inclusivity, particularly in the last two decades, and considers what’s stopping us from going further. Money, power, politics, legislation and technology all play their part, but what about social attitudes towards disability?
Charity reflections: Mark Harrison and Peter Beresford
Download word doc THE ORIGINAL NHS CARD sent out to citizens states that the NHS is not a charity. It is worth quoting from the front of that NHS card: “It will provide you with all medical, dental and nursing…
Radical Abolitionist Benjamin Lay Reclaimed by Quakers 279 Years Later
In 1738, radical abolitionist and Quaker dwarf Benjamin Lay was disowned by the Quaker community. He was well known for his uncompromising and confrontational stance against slavery and his commitment to convince his fellow Quakers to completely denounce and abolish…
COVID-19: Who is protecting the people with disabilities? – UN rights expert
Little has been done to provide people with disabilities with the guidance and support needed to protect them during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, even though many of them are part of the high-risk group, today warned the UN Special Rapporteur…
2019 Launch Event
The launch for UKDHM 2019 took place on November 18 at the National Education Union HQ, Mander Hall, London. Speakers: Gary Bourlet: Learning Disability England and Self-Advocate Baroness Jane Campbell: Member House of Lords Michelle Daley: Acting CEO Alliance for…
Leadership and Resistance Videos
New Videos for UKDHM 2019 Barbara Lisicki interview Baroness Jane Campbell interview Diana Rose – The Mental Health System and Resistance Micheline Mason and Christine Wilson on the wider political movement Jaysaree Kalathil – Black and Ethnic Minority Survivor Research…
Leadership and Resistance Posters
For UKDHM 2019 we have produced a series of posters celebrating figures and groups significant to the Disability Rights Movement. Click the links below to download and print them out. Greta Thunberg poster Word document Micheline Mason poster Word document…