Alien tourists arrive in Stratford Shopping Centre for the official start of Disability History Month.
Language and Life
Penny Pepper. Thursday 8th December 6pm at The Royal College of Nursing, 20 Cavendish Square, W1G 0RN
Mind Your Language
Poetry and language workshop with Penny Pepper – Saturday 19th November 12.30 at The Stage Hall, The Stade, Hastings, TN34 3FJ
2016 Broadsheet
In-depth history and information about the portrayal of disability in the written and spoken word. Download the 2016 Broadsheet here Also available as word a word document.
UKDHM 2016 Launch
22 November 2016 Kings Place 90 York Way, London N1 9AG
Reshaping Our Future: Theatre and Disability
A day conference held with Park Theatre & Graeae Tuesday 11 October 2016 Documentation below: Introduction to Sorry – a verbatim theatre piece outlining the challenges for disabled artists today By Jenny Sealey, Artistic Director of Graeae The use of…
Equal Lives Youth Poetry
This video is about Equal Lives Youth Poetry
Inspired by… Rosaleen Moriarty-Simmonds OBE
Cardiff University – Inspired by… Rosaleen Moriarty-Simmonds OBE Thursday 10th December 2015. 12:30–13:30. Glamorgan Committee Rooms 1 and 2. Rosaleen graduated from Cardiff University in 1985. She was born disabled, has got a degree, runs her own business, has written her…
Disability Thinking Tree
For Disability history month, The Youth Forum have created a Disability Thinking Tree which will include images and poems about disabilities. The poems were all created by the youth forum members to represent how they feel and how they would like…
Richard Rieser on Disability Portrayal
16th December 12,30-1.30 PCS meeting Richard Rieser on Disability Portrayal: Now and Then Churchill Room,100, Parliament Street,London SW1 Off Parliament Square