Resource from Historic England which explains how work became a key element of the rehabilitation process for people with disabilities after the Second World War. As well as promoting their recovery, being able to work meant that they would be less dependent on the state.
Give more people with learning disabilities the chance to work, historian argues
A new study by historian Professor Lucy Delap (Murray Edwards College) argues that loud voices in the 20th-century eugenics movement have hidden a much bigger picture of inclusion in British workplaces that puts today’s low rates to shame.
Disability Rights UK
Links to organisations giving advice on benefits, care and debt
Consumer rights and moneysaving for disabled people
On average, life can cost a whopping £975 more each month if you’re disabled, according to disability charity Scope. So we’ve rounded up as many tips for disabled MoneySavers as we can – from knowing your consumer rights and what adjustments firms should make for you, to how to get a key to accessible toilets or a ‘free’ cinema ticket for a friend/carer.
ACAS Disability Discrimination Disability discrimination Disability is one of 9 ‘protected characteristics’ covered by discrimination law (Equality Act 2010). Disability discrimination includes direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Disability discrimination can happen in any aspect of work. It can result from…
Inclusive Employers
Established in 2011, Inclusive Employers works with hundreds of organisations to audit, train and embed workplace inclusion. We are the first and leading membership organisation for employers committed to prioritising inclusion and creating truly inclusive workplaces. In inclusive workplaces, all employees are valued and contribute to the success of their organisation.
House of Commons Library: Disabled People and Employment 2024
Survey published in March 2024 on disabled people in employment in the UK.
BBC Access All
Nikki and Emma meet the new Minister of State for Disabled People, Tom Pursglove.
Facts and information on the employment of Disabled People
An Inclusion London factsheet, produced 2014.
Disability Equality at Work – Unite Negotiators Guide
Produced by Unite the Union, 2010