Ouch BBC Podcasts cover a wide range of issues including portrayal.
On Wikipedia
The article of Disability in the Media.
The Canadian Association of Broadcasters report
A summary by Media Smarts of Common Portrayals of Persons with Disabilities in Canada.
Representations of Disability Slideshow
A slideshow covering a range of stereotyped images propagated by the media. See it here.
A tale of two general election years
Article by Jenny Morris depicting the stark change in public and political attitudes to disability between 1992 and today.
Media Representation of Disabled People
A concise overview by Lucy Wood. http://www.disabilityplanet.co.uk/critical-analysis.html
21 Years of Link
Ian Stanton
From a series of posters for Birmingham City Council on the UK Disability Movement.
Jane Campbell
From a series of posters for Birmingham City Council on the UK Disability Movement.
Paul Hunt
From a series of posters for Birmingham City Council on the UK Disability Movement.