The UKDHM 2014 Day Conference was held at Student Central on Malett St on 6 December 2014. Footage of all speakers is available below:
UKDHM Launch 2014
UKDHM 2014 was launched on 18th November, at Unite the Union Videos of all the speakers can be found below: Introduction from Chair Sean McGovern Richard Rieser (UKDHM National Coordinator) Mo Stewart (WRAF) Read Mo Stewart’s speech here Paula Peters…
6th December
‘One Last Push’ Screening, Edinburgh
A Disability History Month Scotland Event: This animation tells the story of the disability movement from WWI to the present day, using WWI and disability artifacts and narration by local people. Our locally crafted Memory Box containing these memorabilia will…
Challenging bullying and harassment of disabled people in class
A document designed to give teachers information about the history of bullying and harassment of disabled people and ideas/guidance about activities for the classroom. Supported by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. Download it here
Watch this space!
UK Disability History Month will be 5 years old in 2014! We are busy planning – but we also NEED YOUR HELP! UKDHM relies on organisations and individuals to organise events to mark Disability History Month. So now is a…