A manifesto for Disability Equality The Trades Union Congress (TUC) on the advice of its disabled members has published this manifesto to promote support for the steps needed to achieve equality for millions of disabled people in Britain and…
Dwarfs in the Arts: Diego Velázquez
Dwarfs in the Arts: Diego Velázquez http://www.pbs.org/pov/nobiggerthanaminute/diego-velazquez/ Long before any writing appeared about dwarfs, they could be found in artwork created in every culture and in every time period. Images of dwarfs were plentiful in the ancient world, in the…
Disabled artists life and works for KS2 and KS 3 students
Art KS2/KS3 2 sessions examining different disabled artists life and works. download
Frida Kahlo, 1907–1954
Frida Kahlo. download
Breughel, 1521–1569
Breughel painter of the people 1521-1569. Activities KS3-KS5 download
Michelangelo, 1475–1564
Michelangelo is widely regarded as the most famous artist of the Italian Renaissance. Among his works are the “David” and “Pieta” statues and the Sistine Chapel frescoes. It is now thought that he had many features of high functioning autism…
Richard III Distortion for propaganda, 1452 – 1485
Richard III, portrait with overpaint, c. 1504–20 View ‘Richard III, portrait with overpaint, c. 1504–20’ on the British Library website http://www.bl.uk/collection-items/richard-iii-portrait-with-overpaint-c-1504-20 This painting in the Royal Collection was first recorded in an inventory of Henry VIII’s collection and would have…
Frances Ryan video: It’s time to stop calling disabled people inspirational
Frrances Ryan video Its time to stop calling disabled people inspirational https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/video/2016/sep/07/its-time-to-stop-calling-disabled-people-inspirational-video
Education resources for schools and colleges on the history of learning disability, 1900 to the present day
http://www.open.ac.uk/health-and-social-care/research/shld/education-resources The Open University, UK Disability History Month and Access All Areas have collaborated to produce this on-line resource With the prevalence of negative language about disabled people and increased name based bullying at school or college particularly for students…
Quiet Riot a voice for young people without speech
quiet-riot Quiet Riot: A voice that will be heard, a voice to be reckoned with! May042014 People who don’t use the spoken word have a great deal to say about communication. People who do use the spoken…