Interview about deaf character in Dr Who played by deaf actress Sophie Stone Watch: 7 minute preview of Deaf actress Sophie Stone starring in Doctor Who In this 7 minute preview clip made by the BBC’s See Hear programme (and…
Shifting Perceptions on TV – BFI
Love & Disability – Shifting Perceptions on TV NFT 3 BFI South Bank Book online at BFI or 020 7928 3232 18.15 start (90mins to include 15mins clips and 30mins Audience Questions) 19.45 Finish Jack Thorne (Writer Cast-Offs) Victoria Wright…
UKDHM Day Conference – BFI
Day Conference – Portrayal of Disability in Mainstream Moving Image Media: Then and Now BFI in partnership with UK Disability History Month Join us for a day of discussion. Film clips, speakers, panels. Focus on acting, writing, producing & directing.…
Accentuate win major Disability History Project
Press release – Delivery phase History of Place announcement FINAL
Interview with Johnny Crescendo
An interview by UKDHM. The first of a series of disabled people who have made recent history.
UKDHM 2014 Day Conference
The UKDHM 2014 Day Conference was held at Student Central on Malett St on 6 December 2014. Footage of all speakers is available below:
UKDHM Launch 2014
UKDHM 2014 was launched on 18th November, at Unite the Union Videos of all the speakers can be found below: Introduction from Chair Sean McGovern Richard Rieser (UKDHM National Coordinator) Mo Stewart (WRAF) Read Mo Stewart’s speech here Paula Peters…
Anti Bullying Week Supported by UKDHM
UKDHM Supports Anti Bullying Week 17th to 21st November 2014 UKDHM Supports Anti Bullying Week 17th to 21st November 2014 The focus of this year’s Anti Bullying Week is on disabled children and young people and those with SEN who…
6th December
UKDHM Day Conference, London
Day Conference Saturday 6th December 2014, 10am to 4pm Room 3D, Students Central, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY War and Impairment :The Social Consequences of Disablement Speakers:- Neil Faulkner ‘Industrialised slaughter: how the world went mad in 1914’ Roddy Slorach…
Podcast Disability Now UKDHM, ILF, Freud and Party Conferences
Piece for Disability Now Ellen Clifford Gary Boulet Richard Rieser Mary Laver