Tracey Lazard on UN CRPD Committee calling UK Government’s Treatment of Disabled People a Catastrophe

  IL in Geneva We gave evidence to the UN in August alongside our sister DDPOs Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations were hailed as “world leaders” by the UN for their efforts in bringing to light the injustices and human…

Hogarth to Vagabondiana Examining Two visualisations of disability in C18TH by Simon Jarrett

Hogarth to Vagabondiana by Simon Jarrett We are going to look today at two visualisations of disability in the eighteenth century, firstly from the artist William Hogarth in the middle of the century and then in a book from 1817…

Disability aesthetics and the body beautiful: Signposts in the history of art Tobin Siebers 2008- Sculpture

Disability aesthetics and the body beautiful: Signposts in the history of art L’esthétique du handicap et la beauté du corps : des indications dans l’histoire de l’art Author links open overlay panelTobinSiebers Show more rights and content Under an Elsevier user…