Leeds student’s online campaign to challenge the word ‘suffer’ used in relation to disabled people

This video has been made for Disability History Month UK at the University of Leeds, the Centre for Disability Studies in partnership with Leeds University Union Disability Action Group. Let us know what barriers you suffer from with #isufferfrom For…

Education resources for schools and colleges on the history of learning disability, 1900 to the present day

http://www.open.ac.uk/health-and-social-care/research/shld/education-resources The Open University, UK Disability History Month and Access All Areas have collaborated to produce this on-line resource With the prevalence of negative language about disabled people and increased name based bullying at school or college particularly for students…

Activity Matching Words and Meanings of Disablist Language

http://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/media/20398/Disablist-language-activity-FINAL.pdf Disablist language: Where does it come from? Match the Word on the left with origin( numbers)/meaning on the right(letters). Word(s) Origin/Meaning 1. Spaz or spastic A. Used in the USA for people with learning difficulties. Offensive. Use person with…