The history of disablist bullying and harassment: A resource for teachers

Challenging bullying and harassment of disabled people in class: a resource for teachers Read this before doing timeline activity with class Challenging-Bullying-and-harassment-of-disabled-people-FINAL This resource was kindly written by UK Disability History Month Coordinator Richard Rieser and supported by the…

10 tips to tackle disablist language based bullying in school: A guide for staff 10 tips to tackle disablist language based bullying in school: A guide for staff The use of verbal abuse as a form of bullying of disabled children and young people is widespread. This has a significant negative impact on…

Present in My Past

Purple Patch Arts A short animation which brings to life the social history of people with learning disabilities and how they have been treated by society. Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and developed in partnership with staff at…

The Reunion: Disability Campaigners – full programme transcript (10 April 2016)

The Reunion: Disability Campaigners – full programme transcript (10 April 2016) The speakers in this programme are as follows: SM: Sue MacGregor JC: Jane Campbell BM: Bert Massie PW: Peter White AT: Adam Thomas WH: William Hague F: Unidentified female…