This years 12 page broadsheet examines current portrayal in TV and Film and Past portrayal of disability. PDF Word document Large print version Text-only version Easy-read version
Accentuate win major Disability History Project
Press release – Delivery phase History of Place announcement FINAL
Remploy- Disability and Employment: Reconciling the Irreconcilable?
25 Nov 2014 UK Disability History Month Blogs 2014:Disability and Employment: Reconciling the Irreconcilable? Much of Anne Borsay’s work was driven by a heightened sense of social justice, and an underlying commitment to equality for all. It is not surprising…
Liverpool Da Da Fest November to January
Check out thee oprogramme pascked with interesting and relevant events to coincide with UKDisability History Month
Disability Now Article Disability History Month
Until 22nd February 2015
Manchester The Sensory War
Saturday 11 October 2014 – Sunday 22 February 2015 Manchester Art Gallery Mosley Street Manchester M2 3JL The Sensory War 1914-2014 This major group exhibition marking the Centenary of the First World War explores how artists have communicated the impact…