UKDHM is encouraging YOU to get involved, as an individual, a member of a community or any larger organisation.
But it doesn’t have to be just during the month. Celebrating our Struggle for Equality should be happening all year round.
You can start by helping us spread the word across the UK by ‘liking’ us on Facebook or following us un Twitter
If you organise anything, big or small, let us know and we will post it on our website. So, please look at the list above and discover the ways in which you can get involved.
The Equalities Act and the UK ratification on the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities are both strong pieces of legislation that should ensure equality and rights. However in reality, this is not taking place due to the negative attitudes, prejudice and discrimination in all areas of life.
We need your help! Let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem!