In the Media

When you see something that is discriminatory or that presents a negative attitude about disabled people in the media, RESPOND!

-Write to the editor

-Go on Feedback and other such channels

-Go on Talk Radio and make your point

-Write why it’s wrong and get this published in local or national papers.

-Check out the Broadcasters and Creative Industries Network (BCIDN) as they provide some very useful material on how to increase good portrayal of disabled people:

Consider portrayal in front of the camera and BEHIND the camera.

Consider, as a disabled people person, going for a job in the media: so that your ideas as a disabled person can be put forward publicly. There are lots of training courses for people who don’t feel they are able to do this both through the BCIDN and through the Disability Arts Movement.

-And finally, to program makers; please show us in a non-stereotyped way. Just shows as ordinary but different people of society. We are 21% of the society, it is about time we are shown in your programs, we don’t have to be the plot line or a whole story – we can just be there. It’s be by just being there that can change attitudes; this has been shown by this kind of exposure in long running soaps.