Manchester Disability History Rocks! 3rd December 2018, 12-4.30pm

Manchester Disability History Rocks!


3rd December 2018, 12-4.30pm

FREE Public drop in Event, Manchester Central Library, ground floor, performance space



A showcase of music and creativity by disabled artists and activists from Manchester to celebrate International Day of Disabled People and kick off UK Disability History Month.


Including performances by Manchester’s very own Bee Vocal Choir and famed disability singer/songwriter Johnny Crescendo.


Featuring a mix of Living History interactive characters, comedy, musical performances, plus an exhibition and talk by GM Coalition of Disabled People demonstrating how music was used as a catalyst for change in the disability rights movement.


This is a show worthy of Manchester’s activist and artistic roots. Look out for the Town Hall purple light up, in honour of International Day of Disabled People.


Show created and delivered in partnership with, Manchester City Council, GM Coalition of Disabled People, Manchester Central Library and DANC MANC (Disabled Artists Networking Community)

Manchester Disability History Rocks Event Programme FINAL 22112018

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