Support Face Equality Day 23rd May

Published on May 1, 2018

This year we are launching a new appeal to support a year of transformational change and actions specifically for children and young people with visible differences across the UK: Proud to be Me -The Future of Face Equality. Our year of action begins on Face Equality Day on May 23rd 2018 – the very first specifically for young people. It is the UK’s only campaign to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equally whatever the appearance of their face or body. The campaign will be led by young people, for young people – with champions such as vlogger and baking ace Nikki Lilly and our Youth Action Group.
We are now less than a week away from Face Equality Day 2018. We have some very exciting activities lined up for the day including the launch of ground breaking research on the attitudes of young people.
We are delighted that this year’s Face Equality Day will launch a year of campaigning and actions specifically for children and young people with visible differences across the UK. 
Helping us to deliver the campaign is a group of very active and passionate young people who are shaping our resources, reviewing research and preparing to speak to the media. A member of the Youth Action Group is Vlogger and baking ace Nikki Lilly. You can hear from Nikki below about what #Proudtobeme means to her.
The new research and report we will be launching shines a light on the issues that young people face when it comes to appearance and provides recommendations to help create a future where everyone with a visible difference can lead the lives they want. The report, ‘Looking Different’,  includes a CHILDWISE survey with over 1,500 children and young people across the UK (aged 7-17 years), combined with in-depth interviews with those who have a visible difference. If you would like a paper copy of the report after next Wednesday please do contact me via
How you can get involved:
  • Tell us what #FaceEquality means to you by using our selfie sheet. You can then share on social media using #Proudtobeme (We will RT you) 
With less than a week to go and excitement building we have made sure there’s something that everyone can do for Face Equality Day.
Kind Regards, 
Rob Murray
Project Manager for Face Equality 2018
Mob: 0770 373 2233
Twitter: @robmurray11

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