4th December 2014
Brunel University London celebrates UK Disability History Month

12.30, Darwin Room, Hamilton Centre


Disability Month Poster 2014 Brunel 4th December


Professor Lorraine DeSouza, ‘Rehabilitation through the wars’ – Lorraine is Pro-Vice Chancellor for Equality and Diversity and Staff Development.
Emma Farquharson, Emma is an advanced physiotherapy practitioner at Headley Court Rehabilitation Centre, which looks after wounded service men and women returning from conflict zones, and is also a Teaching Fellow in Physiotherapy, Department of Clinical Sciences. Emma will be speaking about ‘Rehabilitation of servicemen and women following injury’.
Professor Peter Beresford ‘War and Impairment; from post-traumatic stress disorder to mad studies’. Peter is the Director for the Centre for Citizen Participation, Department of Clinical Sciences.
We will finish with a short question and answer session.

This event is open to staff & students
For catering purposes, or if you have any questions, please could you contact jean.meehan@brunel.ac.uk to confirm your attendance.
This event is sponsored by The Equality Office and is an annual event, now in its fifth year.

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