Nothing About Us Without Us, Manchester

Disabled People’s Activism: Past, Present and Future

People’s History Museum
Left Bank, Manchester M3 3ER

This landmark exhibition explores the history of disabled people’s activism and ongoing fight for rights and inclusion.

Nothing About Us Without Us has been curated by four community curators, who all self-identify as disabled people and have been working at the museum since August 2021.

The exhibition includes protest material and objects, such as banners and t-shirts; many of these collected from disabled activists and disabled led campaign groups.
This exhibition has been created as a core part of PHM’s programme exploring the history of disabled people’s rights and activism, which has been guided by a steering group of disabled people who have been working with the museum on a variety of projects since 2018.

Suitable for all ages.
Please book to visit

Nothing About Us Without Us celebration day

Saturday 19 November 2022, 12.00pm – 4.00pm

Join us to celebrate the launch of the museum’s headline exhibition Nothing About Us Without Us (on show until 16 October 2023).
• Meet individuals and organisations who have helped shape the museum’s programme exploring disabled people’s activism: past, present and future (12.00pm – 4.00pm)
• Explore the exhibition on a guided tour with PHM’s curatorial team (1.00pm – 2.00pm)
• Join a zine making workshop delivered by queer and disabled artist, writer, and activist Ellie Page (2.30pm – 4.00pm)

Suitable for a range of ages.

• Booking required for both the tour and workshop
• British Sign Language (BSL) Interpretation provided
• Please let us know as soon as possible if you require Audio Description by contacting: or 0161 838 9190

Part of PHM’s co-curated programme of activity exploring the history of disabled people’s rights and activism.