2024 coverage
Great to see lots of organisations embracing UKDHM 2024. Links below: https://www.healthwatchwalthamforest.co.uk/event/2024-11-14/uk-disability-history-month https://www.weareincludability.co.uk/event/uk-disability-history-month-2024 https://www.nhsemployers.org/articles/disability-history-month-2024 https://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/news/display/?id=32024 https://www.instagram.com/nottswomenscent/p/DCZ5d5fTYkW/?img_index=1 https://www.jobskin.co.uk/uk-disability-history-month-2024 https://happymind.co/inclusion-calendar/disability-history-month-uk https://www.usdaw.org.uk/member-support/help-and-advice/equalities/disability/disability-history-month https://www.twinkl.co.uk/search?q=disability+history+month&c=244&r=parent
Coverage on Disability Arts Online
https://disabilityarts.online/magazine/news/uk-disability-history-month-2024-disability-livelihood-and-employment 13 November 2024 UK Disability History Month, created in 2010, is an annual event, which this year runs from 14th November to 20th December 2024 with a theme of Disability, Livelihood and Employment. The core purpose of UK Disability…
UKDHM 2024 Launch Event
Micheline Mason David Turner Gill Crawshaw Our World of Work Yinka Shonibare https://www.wikiart.org/en/yinka-shonibare Colleen Johnson Martyn Gwyther Natasha Hirst
Disability History resources at the Cadbury Research Library
This is a guide to help uncover historical records about disability, detailing material held at the Cadbury Research Library.
Snowdon Trust: Integrating Disabled People into Higher Education
Lord Snowdon was asked to chair a cross-party parliamentary working group on Integration of the Disabled. In 1976 they produced the report “Integrating the Disabled”, which led to Lord Snowdon founding the Snowdon Trust in 1981.
Unpacking the Disability Employment Gap
Unpacking the Disability Employment Gap is a 3-year project funded by the Nuffield Foundation to investigate the gap in employment between disabled and non-disabled people in the UK.
Richard Burton Archives
Researchers for the Disability and Industrial Society project explored the South Wales Coalfield Collection as part of the collaborative project which investigated industrial injuries and diseases in three British coalfields between 1780 and 1948.
Reading list on Disability and Industrial Society by David Turner
Academic papers focussing on the presence of disability in British industrial society.
Unwritten Histories of Disabled Workers
Article by Gill Crawshaw in History Workshop. https://www.historyworkshop.org.uk/disability-history/unwritten-histories-of-disabled-workers