Interview conducted for UKDHM 2021
Historian Dr Rosemund Oates on life for disabled people in the early modern period
Interview conducted for UKDHM 2021
Penny Pepper on sex and relationships
Penny Pepper
Disability Activist, Writer, Poet, Speaker, Musician
Interview conducted for UKDHM 2021
Disability Activist, Writer, Poet, Speaker, Musician
Interview conducted for UKDHM 2021
Hidden impairment interviews for UKDHM 2021
Interviews with Katy Farrell on epilepsy, Yasmin Omar on being a teacher with MS, visually impaired barrister Christina Warner and Emma Charters on dyslexia.
Connected By Threads: How generations of disabled women artists have found a voice through textiles
Gill Crawshaw has created an illustrated essay which tells a story of disabled women and textiles.
Presentation: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history
Utilising the history of disabled people to enhance empathy and understanding of the importance of Human Rights
Presentation by Richard Rieser for The Historical Association
Guides for Employment for disabled people with hidden impairments
Resources produced by TUC for people with hidden impairments
Early Day Motion in UK Parliament
Get Your MP to sign! EDM (Early Day Motion) 607: tabled on 01 November 2021 Tabled in the 2021-22 session. Motion text That this House recognises 18 November to 18 December is Disability History Month which is now in its…
General Resources
Disabled People who have made a Difference. downloadImpairment, Barriers and Solutions. downloadLanguage and Terminology. downloadMaking Sense of Disability. downloadWhen part of your body does not work KS2. downloadKS2 Disability Equality Starter Lesson. downloadThe Wall – A short video made with Comic Relief (33MB). downloadUnderstanding Disability – The…