General Resources

Disabled People who have made a Difference. downloadImpairment, Barriers and Solutions. downloadLanguage and Terminology. downloadMaking Sense of Disability. downloadWhen part of your body does not work KS2. downloadKS2 Disability Equality Starter Lesson. downloadThe Wall – A short video made with Comic Relief (33MB).  downloadUnderstanding Disability – The…

Interview with UKDHM founder

In this podcast Richard talks us through Disability History Month 2020 and how it all began. Sparked partly by the election of a conservative government which threatened the rights of disabled people, and a conversation in which the founder of LGBTQ+ History Month asked why disabled people didn’t have their own month too, Richard began to raise support.

In this podcast we talk activism, lack of ally-ship, BLM, ableism and how access is still a major barrier for disabled people in Britain.