Resources to prevent disablist language based bullying

UKDHM Supports Anti Bullying Week 17th to 21st November 2014
The focus of this year’s Anti Bullying Week is on disabled children and young people and those with SEN who experience the highest rates of bullying and harassment in our schools and colleges.
Resources for schools about challenging disablist language:
The use of verbal abuse as a form of bullying of disabled children and young people is widespread. This has a significant negative impact on self-esteem and achievement. To challenge it requires a consistent whole school approach involving staff, pupils, parents and carers. All members of the school community need to be equipped to always challenge and explain why such language is unacceptable.
ABA have created 10 top tips with World of Inclusion about how you can challenge disablist language in schools.

10 Tips on Tackling Disablist Language Based Bullying in Schools

The ABA with UK Disability History Month have produced a resource for teachers .
Teacher resource – the history of disability harassment and bullying (classroom ideas)
Challenging Bullying and Harassment of Disabled People

We can stop bullying: worksheet for teachers
This resource was written by the Alliance for Inclusive Education as part of their How was school? series of worksheets. It was written to support Anti-Bullying Week and is endorsed by ABA. It explores disabled people experiences of being bullied when they were at school and gives classroom activity ideas.

We can stop bullying: worksheet for teachers

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