A3 Information and Activity. Who are disabled people? Equality Act Definition.

A3 Information and Activity. Who are disabled people? Equality Act Definition.
Today we have a legal definition in the 2010 Equality Act which is largely the same as in the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act.
This says a person is disabled if you ‘have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities’.
Substantial means more than minor or trivial impact on your ability to do normal day to day activities.
This discounts the impact of medical treatment, prosthesis or aids.
Long term means 12 months or more or likely to last 2 months or more.
Visual impairment does not count if it is correctable by glasses or contact lenses.
Progressive conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV count from the moment of diagnosis.
The definition is to protect people from discrimination, not to allocate resources . So it is a low threshold with 11.5 million people or 19.5% of population included.
Activity. Having explained the definition, use a series of flash cards with the following conditions on them and ask the class or group to place them inside or outside the definition of disability, as represented by a circle on the floor or board. This can be made more or less complicated depending on the age and cognitive level of the class. Here we provide two columns.
Included in Equality Act Definition Excluded from Equality Act Definition
Deafness Wearing glasses for short sight
Colour blindness Wearing Contact lenses for long sight
Lung Cancer Flu
Dyslexia Chicken Pox
Stuttering Regional accent
Blindness Broken leg
Spinal Injury A cold
Heart Condition High blood pressure
Learning Difficulty Being Pregnant
Depression Feeling sad because pet has died
Having a false leg Having a walking stick for fashion
Using a walking stick to walk Walking on very high heels
Bi Polar Being a drug addict
Epilepsy Headache
Autism Being Left handed
Asthma (severe) Asthma (mild)
Hyper Activity ADHD Being drunk
Facial disfigurement Setting fire to things
Blindness Shaved head
Tuberculosis Having A Tattoo
Leprosy Small child
Short stature or Dwarfism Tone deaf
Not able to speak-Mute Fat ( but gross obesity would count)
Not able to walk Not taking regular exercise
Kidney Failure and dialysis Appendicitis
Lacking Anger Management Temper Tantrum

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