By Eleanor Lawrie
– BBC News It’s 25 years since mass protests helped pressure the government into making it illegal to discriminate against someone because of their disability. The rights of disabled people have changed significantly since then, but many…
UKDHM 2020 – Invitation to Online Launch
Sign up for the online launch of UKDHM 2020
UKDHM 2020 Broadsheet
In our 11th year we are focusing on Access and asking the questions ‘How far have we come? How far have we to go?’ UK Disability History Month runs from the online launch on the evening of 18th November to 18th December 2020.For disabled people access is now a fundamental human right, as is gaining participation on an equal level with others, regardless of our impairments. Disabled people have struggled for many years to change society’s lived physical and information environment.
UKDHM 2020 Presentation ‘Human Right or Optional After-thought’
Richard Rieser’s introductory presentation for UKDHM 2020
Crip Camp
Netflix documentary about disability rights activists in 1970s United States.
SCULPT is guidance to help you create documents that meet basic accessibility requirements.
It has six basics to get you started for creating documents and information online.
It has six basics to get you started for creating documents and information online.
Meeting UK government accessibility requirements
The UK Government’s official guidelines for creating accessible services and content.
Disability Inclusion Matters for All
Animated video by World Bank
Changing The Way We Talk About Disability – Amy Oulton
You can take a wheelchair just about anywhere. Amy addresses societal perceptions of disability and her vision for how we all change the way we approach disability. Amy has been a wheelchair user for the past ten years; she has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare genetic condition that causes weak tissues, joint dislocation, chronic pain and fatigue. In spite of this, Amy lives an exciting and hugely positive life, travelling the world, working as a graphic designer for a charity and campaigning to change the way society understands disability. Most recently, Amy has published for Buzzfeed on her three-month adventure around South East Asia, writing about, filming, and photo-documenting her experiences in her wheelchair.
Winnie the Witch
Scope use the story of Winnie the Witch to explain the Social Model