F1 Information Sheet the Mental Deficiency Act and Eugenicist Thinking

F1 Information Sheet the Mental Deficiency Act and Eugenicist Thinking Eugenics is defined as ‘the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics’ and was a false science largely based on…

E3 Activities KS4 & KS5 on the Poor Laws and disabled people using internet based resources.

E3 Activities KS4 & KS5 on the Poor Laws and disabled people using internet based resources. A. Elizabethan Poor Law Look at http://www.victorianweb.org/history/poorlaw/elizpl.html 1. What were the religious duties considered necessary in the feudal system, before the ending of the…

D2 Natural Fools in the court of Henry Eight at Hampton Court Activities PHSE KS2

D2 Natural Fools in the court of Henry Eight at Hampton Court Activities PHSE KS2 http://www.hrp.org.uk/HamptonCourtPalace/educationandcommunity/hamptoncourtschools/Schoolandcollegevisits/crosscurricularresources/pshe In 2011 Hampton Court Palace hosted a group of actors, called the Misfits, to investigate the role of the fool or jester at the…