F1 Information Sheet the Mental Deficiency Act and Eugenicist Thinking Eugenics is defined as ‘the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics’ and was a false science largely based on…
E4 Numbers per 1000 and Expenditure New Poor Law 1834 TO 1930
E4 Numbers and the New Poor Law
E3 Activities KS4 & KS5 on the Poor Laws and disabled people using internet based resources.
E3 Activities KS4 & KS5 on the Poor Laws and disabled people using internet based resources. A. Elizabethan Poor Law Look at http://www.victorianweb.org/history/poorlaw/elizpl.html 1. What were the religious duties considered necessary in the feudal system, before the ending of the…
E2 Activity KS3 & KS4. Did the Treatment of Poor People Improve after 1834 Poor Law ?
E2 Activity KS3 & KS4. Did the Treatment of Poor People Improve after 1834 Poor Law ? More than 6,000,000 people visited the Great Exhibition in 1851. But what about the people who did not come? Among those who did…
E1 Teachers Notes The Poor Laws and Disabled People.
E1 Teachers Notes The Poor Laws and Disabled People. The history of the poor laws is conveniently divided into the Early Poor Law, Old Poor Law — crystallised in the 1601 Act for the Relief of the Poor, and the…
D4 Activities KS2 3 The live’s of disabled people in C16th Century
D4 Activities KS2 3 The live’s of disabled people in C16th Century In the crowded and unhealthy cities of Elizabethan England, conditions that resulted in long term impairment were very common. The city of Norwich carried out a ‘census of…
D3 Activities KS3 & 4 History, Drama, PHSE
D3 Activities KS3 & 4 History Drama PHSE Natural Fools in the court of Henry Eight at Hampton Court The Wellcome Trust who funded All the King’s Fools has provided a website www.allthekingsfools.co.uk This site contains longer videos of the…
D2 Natural Fools in the court of Henry Eight at Hampton Court Activities PHSE KS2
D2 Natural Fools in the court of Henry Eight at Hampton Court Activities PHSE KS2 http://www.hrp.org.uk/HamptonCourtPalace/educationandcommunity/hamptoncourtschools/Schoolandcollegevisits/crosscurricularresources/pshe In 2011 Hampton Court Palace hosted a group of actors, called the Misfits, to investigate the role of the fool or jester at the…
D1 Teachers Notes Disabled People in the Period 1485 to 1660
D1 Teachers Notes Disabled People in the Period 1485 to 1660 When Henry VIII split from the Roman Church, he ordered the ‘Dissolution of the Monasteries’. Across the country, religious houses were demolished and monks and nuns driven out. The…
C1 Teachers notes Disability in the Feudal and Medieval period
C1 Teachers notes Disability in the Feudal and Medieval period Disability in the medieval period 1050-1485 This section describes the life of people with disabilities in the medieval period. It also explains how monasteries and convents cared for sick and…